Tavern tycoon build toilets
Tavern tycoon build toilets

The funny thing is, in the early levels of Tavern Tycoon I actually favored using bonuses over raises to keep my staff happy. Lesson Learned: Early on use Bonuses Over Raises

tavern tycoon build toilets

Regardless, it is best to just finalize the layout up front and avoid the problem all together. This happened to me on the previous level as well, and I was eventually able to recover the belongings by dropping down new shelves, but I am still unclear on how that mechanic works. The reason being that whenever you delete a storage shelf with someone’s belongings on it, the belongings disappear into the ether and you start losing reputation as a result of it. This ended up being a fairly minor issue, but in general you should avoid modifying a storage room if possible. At this point if I am going to continue playing the game I am going to need to kick things up a notch… Lesson Learned: Try to avoid modifying your storage While a different approach to level design may have made the final stage more challenging, the larger issue is that I’ve simply graduated past the normal difficulty. Instead, the only wrinkle is that tavern goers like to spend more money. Something like a new natural disaster(dragon attack!?) or maybe a new patron class that very likely to cause trouble.

tavern tycoon build toilets tavern tycoon build toilets

Granted my knowledge of this game has expanded tremendously over the course of the last few weeks, but I was hoping there would be an interesting wrinkle I would have to deal with to really test my knowledge. Honestly I was expecting a bit more of a challenge in this level. There is lots of space, no need to expand, and tavern walls to deal with. Other than some initial difficulty finding the tavern sign before the recording, it was a pretty straightforward process setting up the tavern. We are finally here! The Dragon’s Hangover is ours to manage, and the level has some fairly favorable conditions to boot.

Tavern tycoon build toilets